Everything is Online! Whenever we want to search for anything “Brand, Images, Products, Services… etc” or even our own name, we go and search online!
The result you get will tell you if whatever you are searching for is something valuable or trustable.
Have you ever tried to search for your brand name or your name? Are you satisfied from the results? Is the search engine result page reflect your image? Do you consider that this result (in terms of links, Images, Video, Social Media… etc) tells exactly who you are?
If the answer in no, and I am sure it is no since creating a strong online presence is a continuous process that never ends, here is what you should do.
Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of your marketing strategy and image reputation, no matter what size your business is or what industry it belongs to or even if you are working on a personal level.
So here are three of the first things you need to look at when building your online presence:
All businesses, no matter how small, should have a website. It can be extremely basic, but it should contain the fundamental information customers whether existing or potential need.
The main issues to focus at when creating your website nowadays are:
Almost 90 % of consumers use search engines to research a product, service or business before making a decision. To take advantage of this, you need to make sure to look at search engine optimization (SEO) for your website.
In case you’re not completely sure what SEO means, how it works, or why it’s important, here’s a quick introduction:
Having a strong presence on Social Media will enhance your online presence Big Time!
Why? Simply because top websites worldwide nowadays are social media websites, meaning when you search for anything, you will get Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube …etc results first!
Do I need to be present & active on all social media Platforms? Sure NO!
You have to be present on Main Social Media Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google +, in addition to the social media platforms related to your business (for example if you work in fashion, go to Pinterest!
Use the Social Media Life Cycle (Recruit More Followers – Engage Your Followers – Convert Them into Loyal Customers) and this will generate direct ROI (Return On Investment)
All above points are basics to start building your online presence.
Do you want to know more and build a professional online presence, just contact me J
Don’t forget to Google my name first!
Roland Abi Najem
Cyber Security & Digital Transformation - Consultant & Expert
CEO – Revotips Expert Tech Consultants